Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm supposed to be posting every week but I've fallen a bit behind. Out discussions in class are great but none have had such an impact on me as our last one that I blogged about. This week we've been discussing gender roles which always leads to much discussion. Sometimes I wish that we had more diversity in my class so that there were different view points. The majority of the class are Mormon females with only three males. I think it would be interesting to have a non LDS woman's perspective on our discussions because I believe some of their views would be different.

I have a testimony of our divine roles and I do believe that men and women, as outlined in the Proclamation to the World, have different responsibilities and roles but are equal. We watched a John Stossel NCB clip about men and women and their differences. There were a few women interviewed who were extreme feminists and wanted men and women to be completely equal in all things and believed that women should sue every time they are treated unequally. While I agree that both genders should be treated equally I also realize that men and women have been blessed with different abilities and traits that help us to balance each other out. Women don't have to be as course and physically strong as men in order to be equal to them. Women should have the chance to succeed but we don't need to sue at the drop of a hat! I am very grateful for our differences. They allow us to balance each other out. And I am grateful for the knowledge and testimony that I have received in my life of these divine traits and responsibilities.

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